Mushroom Coffee​
Infused coffee with a powerful blend of immune supporting medicinal mushrooms: Ganoderma, Cordyceps, Maitake, Shiitake, Agaricus blazei, and Coriolus versicolor.
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Advanced multi vitamin and mineral formula supports brain, bone, immune, cardiovascular and metabolic functions.
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Calcium Magnesium
Calcium, magnesium, zinc and vitamin D synergistically formulated to support bone, muscle and connective tissue health.
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Digestive Enzymes
A dietary supplement to support digestive tract functions and nutrient absorption.
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Get the Health You Deserve.

Become the best YOU

Why Tashlij?

Do you want to just feel better? Need more energy? Are you trying to stay active as you age? We offer pure, potent, 3rd-party tested products to help you achieve your goals. When you get your products you’re on track to become a healthier YOU!

Nutrition is Essential

We know how frustrating it can be to know that even when you’re eating healthy, because of soil depletion, the fruits and vegetables you’re eating aren’t as nutrient dense as they once were, which means you’re not getting the nutrition you need.

Our Favorites

Nutrition Support


Bone and Joint


Essential Nutrients

Weight Management
